Saturday, March 19, 2011

Diamond Properties for NAIT

These are a collection of photos I took for an assignment last year for NAIT.  I took them at the campground that my parents and two other couples purchased not too long ago.  It is right on the lake and surrounded by trees.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Own Backyard

Sometimes inspiration can come from your own backyard.  One day during the summer I noticed mushrooms growing on my lawn and it just took off from there.  I travelled from the front yard to the back. This was one of the firs times that I experiment with my 17-70mm lens and now it is one of my main lenses that I use.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Poplar Estates

Some photos around my parent's place in Poplar Estates.  My mom's dog, Maggie likes to pose for the camera.  My Gma makes the gnome houses.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fine Art Experiment

One of my "Fine Art" class assignments was to do an experiment where the photographer is removed from influencing how the subject poses and acts.  I chose to use space between the subject and camera to be the overall influence.  First using a wide angle lens with a minimal distance and then backing away and using a long lens. This is Eric Paul and his roommate.